Operators & mobile marketing

You have a considerably large list of customers which you want to exploit as much as possible in terms of introducing new services, turn pay as you go customers to contract etc. Or you are pursuing mobile marketing, and you need to optimize the vast amount of sms you send. Which customers are likely to respond better to different type of products and offers? Answers lie in data.

mobile phone, by flickr & roozbeh rokni

mobile phone, by flickr & roozbeh rokni

Mineknowledge can provide detailed analysis of your database and help you design effectively your marketing campaigns and products in terms of targeted sales. In more detail, we can help on a number of issues like the following ones:

  • Segmentation of customers depending on their behavior and characteristics
  • Improve response rates of customer contacts
  • Improve customer loyalty
  • Reduce churn rate and increase revenues per customer

Having served a number of high end international companies in this space, Mineknowledge has built experience on top of its expertise on this vertical, and we’d be happy to discuss more and shape a highly customized solution for your company’s needs upon request.

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