
You are using the latest instruments and techniques to ensure best quality results for your patients. Yet, you almost feel overwhelmed by the ever growing list of indicators that you need to monitor, before you are able to confirm any of your judgments. At the same time, you keep trying to give shape to a number of your insights and hypotheses, which yet you are not able to somehow verify. We can help you address all of the above, plus more.

photo by flickr & user gonzales2010

photo by flickr & user gonzales2010

Deciding on medical treatment has matured to be -on top of everything else it used to- a data intensive task. Patients nowadays come together with a really big volume of data; among others, their general characteristics, treatment records and various status monitoring indices, all of which need to be considered in parallel with the track record of all treatment alternatives. In short, on top of their challenging job, health professionals are now required to excel in statistics, too. We can be of help.

Mineknowledge provides you with a set of medical services, including:

- Healthcare management: decision support on high risk patients identification, also reduction of hospital admissions and claims
- Diagnosis of best practices: study of historical data suggesting efficient versus incompetent treatments, supported by quantitative results; also pattern detection and confirmation or discovery of medical hypotheses
- Ease of information overload: formation of aggregated indices, enabling quick supervision of medical status, while securing improved levels of accuracy
- Research: support on data intensive tasks, spanning from genomics to clinical research to public health

The above stand as a small subset of Mineknowledge services for healthcare; contact us to shape a custom solution for your very own needs.

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